Hi Welcome to my blog, where I get to-

  • post my ECU assignments for CCA1108 Learning Portfolio
  • document my interests or things I like

As we are often told, the production of art – be it film, music, painting, dance, photography, sculpture or any other form has increased exponentially over recent times.  All this art counts for nothing if it does not engage its audience. Whenever I encounter a new work I hope for that magical moment, where, with minimal outside mediation, a connection, empathy and understanding are established. I have found this situation to be relatively rare and so all the more gratifying.

The work by Oscar Munoz (left) takes the form of a video installation with multiple screens – the artist paints with water on what looks to be hot pavement – the face (which evaporates before your eyes), represents one of the ‘missing ‘ in his country of birth, Columbia – powerful art. I saw it at Perth Institute of Contemporary Art 4 years ago and it stays with me. 

More work by Munoz can be found at http://www.sicardi.com/artists/oscar-muoz/artists-artist-works/  . Also see Youtube video on ‘Things I like’ page.